Web Technologies Practical Training Room

Introduction to practical training room:

The Web Technologies Practical Training Room is planned based on the integration concept of "job, course, competition, and certificate", oriented towards employment positions, and combines the competition rules and technical documents of the WorldSkills Competition with the 1+X certificate vocational skill level standards across four dimensions. It constructs a comprehensive training system that includes theoretical teaching, practical operation, competition simulation, and certificate assessment. Students can not only learn cutting-edge knowledge of Web Technologies but also comprehensively improve their overall quality and employ ability through participation in project training, skill competition preparation, and obtaining professional qualification certificates, thus better adapting to the needs of future career development.


The environment construction of our practical training room integrates various functional areas such as group discussion areas, teaching areas, practical operation areas, rest areas, server and network areas, and project display areas. It is equipped with computer hardware devices such as computers, servers, switches, network cabinets, multimedia control consoles, projectors, projection screens, computer desks and chairs, and interactive electronic whiteboards. Additionally, it is supported by relevant software resources including courses, course-level training, and comprehensive training. The aim is to create a simulated training environment and implement scientific teaching designs that not only meet current educational needs but also provide a base for competitor training and skill competitions.

Functions and features

(1)Student Entrepreneurship Incubation Base: Encourages and supports students in transforming their ideas into practical projects and even starting their own businesses, providing necessary guidance and resources.

(2)Skills Competition Training Base: Provides intensive training for students participating in various skills competitions, helping them to stand out in the contests.

(3)Service for Both On-Campus and Off-Campus Project Training Base: Serves not only the teaching within the school but also participates in the development of real-world projects outside the school, enhancing students' practical experience.

(4)Enterprise Real-Project Development Base: Cooperates with enterprises to introduce actual projects, allowing students to work in an environment close to real business conditions, preparing them in advance for the needs of the workplace.

Software Resources

Partner Institutions:

Xizang Vocational Technical College
