Zhonghui Group Supports the Successful Hosting of the Skill Web Technologies at the 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the People's Republic of China

From September 16th to 19th, the 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the People's Republic of China, themed "Skilled Talents, Skilled Service to the Country," was successfully held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center.

It is reported that the competition attracted 4,045 participants from all provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government), the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, as well as four industry delegations including transportation, housing and urban-rural construction, machinery industry, and light industry. It is the highest-level, most extensive, and most influential comprehensive national vocational skills event since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Zhonghui Yunqi Technologies Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhonghui Group"), as the equipment and facility support unit for Skill Web Technologies, provided sponsorship and services including equipment, technical personnel, and event security for the competition.

Skill Web Technologies

Skill Web Technologies is a competition project that uses computer tools to create websites, including page design, page reconstruction, interactive design, front-end function development, back-end function development, and secondary development of websites. It mainly assesses the proficiency of contestants in mainstream frameworks, browser compatibility, and user experience of website works through five major modules: API backend function development, information system front-end development, game design and work, game functions and interaction, and team challenge competition.

Zhonghui’s Vocational Education Achievement Exhibition

During the competition, Zhonghui Group set up a vocational education achievement exhibition at booth S1-76, showcasing the innovative development ideas, achievements, features, implementation paths, and typical cases of Zhonghui's vocational education. They also engaged in in-depth exchanges with experts, enterprises, and exhibitors from delegations across the country on the latest job skill requirements, skill talent training, professional construction, and teaching reform.

The successful hosting of the website technology project at the 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the People's Republic of China has built a high-level competitive platform for contestants to broaden their horizons, learn and communicate, and hone their skills. It has stimulated the contestants' enthusiasm for learning and practicing technical skills based on industry needs. At the same time, it has showcased the achievements of skilled talent team building, promoted advanced practices for cultivating skilled talents, and cultivated more great craftsmen, skilled workers, and highly skilled talents.

As the equipment and facility support unit for the competition, Zhonghui Group will take this opportunity to build a high-standard skill competition platform, implement the competition philosophy of "promoting learning, reform, and construction through competition," create a positive atmosphere for the bright prospects of vocational education, promote the construction of a team of knowledge-based, skill-based, and innovative skilled talents, and provide strong talent momentum for promoting high-quality economic and social development.
