Zhonghui Group Supports the Successful Hosting of the 2023 BRICS Skills Competition Skill Mobile Applications Development National Selection and Domestic Finals

On July 2nd, the 2023 BRICS Skills Competition Skill Mobile Applications Development National Selection and Domestic Finals were successfully held at Guang'an Vocational and Technical College! This competition was hosted by the Department of Higher Education and Training of South Africa, the BRICS Business Council, and the Gauteng Provincial Government of South Africa. It was organized by the BRICS Business Council (Chinese side) Skills Development Working Group, the Belt and Road and BRICS Skills Development International Alliance, and the Ministry of Education's Center for International Exchange and Cooperation. Guang'an Vocational and Technical College was the executive organizer, Zhonghui Yunqi Technologies Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhonghui Group) provided technical support, and Chengdu Zhonghui Yunqi Technologies Co., Ltd. and Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. co-organized the event. The competition featured 42 participants from 24 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions across the country.

Opening Ceremony

Leaders and guests including Tang Zhenjiang, a member of the Guang'an Municipal Committee Education Work Committee and Deputy Director of the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, Song Xiaoqin, Deputy Director of the Chinese Competition Office of the BRICS Skills Competition, Chen Haibin, Chief Referee of the 2023 BRICS Skills Competition Referee Committee, Wang Yi Quan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Principal of Guang'an Vocational and Technical College, and Huang Chao, Deputy General Manager of Zhonghui Yunqi Technologies Group Co., Ltd. attended the opening ceremony. Yuan Chi, a member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Guang'an Vocational and Technical College, served as the host.

At the meeting, Wang Yi Quan, on behalf of Guang'an Vocational and Technical College, extended a warm welcome to the leaders, experts, guests, coaches, and competitors from the participating teams. He expressed that as the executive organizer of the competition, the school would meticulously plan and organize, and do its utmost to host a successful event, creating the best conditions for the participating schools and competitors to achieve excellent results.

Song Xiaoqin, representing the Chinese Skills Development Working Group of the BRICS Business Council, delivered a speech. Song Xiaoqin stated that organizing skill competitions serves as a bridge for technical talent to communicate, exchange skills, and collide ideas. It is also an important means for the BRICS Skills Group to develop future skill courses, set international group skill standards, and jointly cultivate future technical talent. She expressed hope that all schools and partners would actively participate in the BRICS Skills Competition, work together to promote international project cooperation, deepen international industry-education integration, and jointly contribute to the high-level opening up of education.

In addition, Mapule Ncanywa (Ma Pu Le · En Kan Wa), Chairman of the Skills Development Working Group of the BRICS Business Council, attended the opening ceremony online and expressed her best wishes for the national selection and domestic finals of the mobile applications development competition.

National Selection and Domestic Finals

Mobile Applications Development refers to the development of "application software" for mobile terminal device operating systems. Professionals in this field need to be familiar with mainstream operating systems, application development kits (SDKs) for Android or iOS operating systems, and master the basic theories and skills of mobile communication and software programming. They must have the ability to use engineering methods and tools to complete software coding and testing, and to develop Apps.

The competition is conducted in an individual format, with a competition duration of 10 hours. The content includes four modules: prototype design, interface implementation, function development (for mobile phones), and function development (for tablets). Participants are required to design and code within the specified time according to the requirements of the competition to achieve the desired effects and functions.

The successful hosting of this competition not only tested the mobile applications development skills of the participants, enhanced their personal abilities and professional qualities, and provided support for their stable performance in the Mobile Applications Development event at the 2023 BRICS Skills Competition International Finals in South Africa; it also implemented the spirit of the BRICS declaration on skill development work, promoted the joint training of technical skill talents among BRICS countries, and promoted the high-quality development of vocational education in BRICS countries.

As the technical support unit for this competition, Zhonghui Group will take this opportunity to deepen the integration of industry and education, strengthen school-enterprise cooperation, and work with schools to promote talent training programs in various fields, at multiple levels, and with internationalization. This will enhance the quality of talent cultivation in vocational education and contribute to the healthy development of vocational education in BRICS countries.
